
Send email reminders

Send email reminders
Send An E-Mail Reminder Who here gets flooded with email every day? If your hand didn’t go up, it probably will within a few months. More than 20 million people use email every day. It’s rapidly becoming the contact method of choice for millions of customers. Keeping up with all your email can be a big hassle. There are some great email programs that help you file your messages in organized folders. But hey, a LOT of email is aLOT of email. Recently a customer insisted that she would send me an email reminder each month when it was time for a delivery. “That’s not necessary,” I thought. But then had to admit it WOULD be nice to have a customer who helped ME stay organized. Email is so cheap and easy that reminding key customers and suppliers isn’t all that hard. When you help them cut down on the frustrations of doing business, you immediately become a person they LIKE doing business with. That can translate into all kinds of benefits, including better service. Keep a short list of reminder chores. You may even use one of the simple programs that automatically presents the day’s scheduled events. Kevin Nunley provides marketing and copy writing. Read all his free tips at http://DrNunley.com Reach Kevin at kevin@drnunley.com or 603-249-9519.

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