Using shortcut keys
You can quickly accomplish typing tasks you perform frequently by using shortcut keys.
For example, pressing CTRL+B on the keyboard changes the selected text to bold. Isn't that a lot faster than clicking Bold on the Formatting toolbar or selecting Bold in the Font dialog box (Format menu) to bold text? Below is a list of useful shortcuts that will save you typing time.
Make letters bold: CTRL+B
Make letters italic: CTRL+I
Make letters underline: CTRL+U
Decrease font size: CTRL+SHIFT+< (hold CTRLand SHIFT down simultaneously, then hit <)
Increase font size: CTRL+SHIFT+>
Copy the selected text or object: CTRL+C
Cut the selected text or object: CTRL+X
Paste text or an object: CTRL+V
Undo the last action: CTRL+Z
Redo the last action: CTRL+Y
Create a nonbreaking space: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR
Print the shortcut keys you find useful and keep them handy until you've memorized them.
Start using those shortcut and you'll immediately increase your typing speed.
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