
transcription equipment and tools

MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home.: "What companies offer medical spellcheckers, electronic dictionaries, line counters, ergonomics, and other transcription equipment?
For WP5.1, books, and used equipment, see used sales at http://www.mtdaily.com/ads.html. Also see http://www.recycledsoftware.com, and http://www.ebay.com.
The Abacus line counter: http://www.theabacus.biz/index.html
MedPen and MedPad, automated formats, line counter, and more http://www.medpen.net, 800-579-4300, Fax 727-579-4300, Joe Vann, medpen@ibm.net, 3131 Emmaus Way, Cosby, TN 37722.
Stedman's of Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, http://www.stedmans.com, 800-638-3030, 301-714-2300, Fax: 301-824-7390, P.O. Box 1600, Hagerstown, MD 21741.
W. B. Saunders now Elsevier, http://www.us.elsevierhealth.com/specialty.jsp?lid=3&sid=442.
Spellex, spellchecker and online spellchecker, http://www.spellex.com 800, 442-9673, 813, 885-1968, Fax 813, 855-2581, custsvce@spellex.com, 8313 W. Hillsborough Ave Suite 430, Tampa, FL 33615
Sylcount and spellchecker, Sylvan Software, http://www.sylvansoft.com, 5144 N. Academy Blvd., #531, Colorado Springs, CO 80918, 800, 235-9455, fax 719, 495-8119, sales@sylvansoft.com
PractiCount line counter, http://www.practiline.com, Practiline Software, P.O. Box 34069 #381, Seattle, WA 98124-1069, USA, FAX: 206-984-3919, info@practiline.com
WP Count for WordPerfect, Productive Performance, http://www.foxcomm.net/productive/WPCOUNT.htm, 425, 788-8300, 31820 NE 103rd Street, Carnation, WA 98014-9710, 206-788-8300, productive@foxcomm.net
PC Anywhere, http://www.symantec.com/pcanywhere/ 9 Golden Hill St. Bethel, CT 06801
DataHand Ergonomic Keyb"

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