
Secretarial Services:work at home clerical

work at home clerical is available from a number of places on the internet, but how can you be sure that when you purchase work at home clerical you are shopping in safely and securely and that you will actually receive your purchase? This is where we can help you. We've looked through all the possible places on the internet where you can buy work at home clerical and have found the best. A place where you can get work at home clerical at a great value price and be guaranteed that you will get what you've paid for. The following link will take you to the extreme best work at home clerical supplier we have found. So don't waste another moment with searching, click on the link and visit them now. more...

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Secretarial Services:EBay Made Easy (MSNBC)

Ready to start an eBay business? Here are five simple steps to help you get you on your way. more...

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Secretarial Services:Business Card Referral Strategy

Today, I went for cheap lunch: Little Ceasar's $5.30 (with tax) for a large pizza!While paying the five bucks and change, I noticed a very cool marketing trick (that anyone can use and profit from, but very few actually do.)

At the checkout counter were a bunch of white business cards with some words in blue on it. The business cards had "Little Ceasar's" written on it in bold. But they weren't actually Little Ceasar's business cards!Instead, the cards were for "Marvelanes" - a bowling lanes outlet!The card simply read:

Bowl Free Compliments of LITTLE CEASAR'S This card good for one FREE game of bowling anytime lanesare available. One free game per person per day. Expires September 29 2005 MARVELANES (Address of Marvelanes)

The back of the business card asked for the person's name address telephone number and birthdate. And stated "Above Must be Completed for Redemption"Thats it.

Lets analyze the business card in a bit more detail: Marvelanes gave a free offer to attract a new client base The business card specified that the free offer was conditional and could only be taken advantage of while lanes are available (Marvelanes don't lose any business by giving the free offer)

The business card had a deadline - making people take action and avoid procrastination

Marvelanes asked for peoples names and addresses. Thus, they'll build a big mailing list because of their free offer. And they can generate business anytime in the future by just sending a reminder to the mailing list and probably giving them a discount And Marvelanes then persuaded Little Ceasar's to place these business cards next to the checkout counter.

Little Ceasar's earn some goodwill by giving a goodie to their clients. And Marvelanes wins some new clients - all for the cost of printing a few simple business cards! What a win-win referral strategy!

Action Summary: Create business cards that offer free goodies or free samples of your product. Ask other complimentary businesses to give away those business cards to their clients as a "Thank You Reward" Make sure you collect the names and addresses of these new clients who take you on the free goodie offer. And then convert them into loyal clients by following up with them. more...

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Secretarial Services:brochure printing straightforward

If you where searching for brochure printing straightforward in the real world, what would you do? I guess in reality you could look through books and magazines , but browsing the net is much easier.And it's a lot faster too isn't it? Especially when you come across brochure printing straightforward websites like ours, which cover the exact topic you're looking for. Being able to find exactly what you're looking for - brochure printing straightforward - is the real beauty of the Internet. Especially when it comes to purchasing brochure printing straightforward products. Buying online is very easy as all you have to do is click one of our brochure printing straightforward links and you'll be taken to the best brochure printing straightforward site on the web. more...

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Secretarial Services:Customer Service Gold Standards

I came upon a tid-bit of information... Ritz-Carlton chain of hotels has a rule for their employees: "Escort guests rather than pointing out directions to another area of the Hotel."Wow. That is a simple idea. And so very revolutionary - hardly any hotel does that. I began wondering if Ritz-Carlton, which is so famous for its customer service, has any more such simple rules.And found not one, but 19 other rules. Some more tid-bits include: Whoever receives a complaint will own it. Each employee is empowered. For example, when a guest has a problem or needs something special you should break away from your regular duties, address and resolve the issue. "Smile - we are on stage." Always maintain positive eye contact. Use Ritz-Carlton telephone etiquette. Answer within three rings and with a "smile." You'll enjoy reading all the 20 Golden Standard rules of Ritz-Carlton more...

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Secretarial Services:card printing services

We would never claim to be world's best in card printing services but our passion and interest in this area has encouraged us to source out the best locations for card printing services purchases and products. We have set a number of important criteria for evaluating card printing services websites. Among these are (1) secure shopping areas for card printing services purchases; (2) customer support areas being well documented and (3) testimonials from happy clients. Just click on the link below and you will see how these apply. more...

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Secretarial Services:Pushing Through Our Comfort Zone

Pushing Through Our Comfort Zone

Personal Growth involves expanding into new areas in our life, making changes, and making progress towards our dreams and goals. In order to do this we have move out of our comfort zone. It is normal to experience fear and insecurity. We grow and see success as we face the fear and do it anyway.

Our greatest growth in life comes from pushing through our present comfort zone. This process starts at birth. A baby feels safe, warm and secure in its mothers womb. However to stay there much longer than the gestation period would mean certain death for both the mother and child. Life began for all of us as we left the comfort and security of the womb and faced the strange and unfamiliar world outside. Our first breath is often a painful experience, a cry of protest at temporary discomfort. Yet without this experience, our life would be fleetingly short.

Each milestone of growth and accomplishment for a young child involves leaving an existing comfort zone. The first crawl, the first step, many new, first experiences all push from the familiar into the unknown.For the child the process of pushing through their area of comfort leads to increasing independence and the formation of their unique personality and character..

This foundational principle continues into adult life. In order to enrich our life, it is necessary to step out of our present comfort zone. Personal growth occurs when a person moves out of their area of comfort and into the unknown and challenge of a fresh experience.There is a stage of risk and discomfort before any significant growth in our life.For each of there comes a point where we hold back and resist. It becomes easier to remain static and comfortable than to keep moving forward.

What holds us back?

Whenever we consider taking on a new project, or venture, or want to put ourselves out there, we feel fear. Fear is natural, and is to be expected.It is our body's way of letting us know we are moving out of our comfort zone. Fear can alert us to possible threats and dangers. However unlike our cave men predecessors, many of the threats today are not life threatening.Fear can warn you and enable you to be more aware and cautious, but need not stop you progressing. If you want to move forward on the journey towards where you want to be, you will have to confront your fears. Unfortunately many people allow fear to stop them, and don't achieve their goals and aspirations.

Fear does not feel comfortable, and many people want to avoid it at all costs. Everyone experiences fear. People who want to be successful feel the fear and do it anyway! Fear is part of the package. Yes, there is always a risk of failure, but that needs to balanced with the old adage "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained".A child's risk of falling when taking those first faltering steps is high. Yet, what a transformation to a child's life once they have mastered the skill of walking! Limitless possibilities are opened up in the child's life. The falls and tumbles are soon forgotten overshadowed by the new adventures and experiences.

Pushing through to leave your comfort zone is hard work. Nature demonstrates that graphically for us. The chick pecking it's way out of the shell, the butterfly struggling from it's cocoon, illustrate how that struggle is necessary in order to bring life, growth and success.

The good news is that once we have faced our fears and done it anyway, we have moved forward to a new place. Every time we push through and live out of our comfort zone we will never be the same.Growth happens!

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. US Supreme Court Justice, once said

Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."

I believe this is true of not only our mind, but also of who we are as unique people.Life moves into a new dimension through each experience we go through in life.

However there is also the possibility that once we have pushed through our comfort zone into a new place of growth, we rest too long there, and create a different comfort zone!

Lets keep pushing through and moving forward towards growing our uniqueness and living our life fully.

Barbara White of Beyond Better Development, speaks and writes with a passion to inspire and empower people in their journey of personal growth towards the excellence in life that they aspire to. This article is extracted from her newsletter, Growing Beyond Better. If you would like to receive this free newsletter regularly, you can subscribe at her website www.livingbeyondbetter.com

Start a Secretarial Service

Secretarial Services:Affirm Your Intentions - Achieve Your Goals

Affirmations are emotionally driven statements of intention and faith that guide thought and action. Affirmation comes from the Latin firmus, meaning strong. Affirmations recognize and assert the exis... more...

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Secretarial Services:How to Create Value for Your Product or Service

How to Create Value for Your Product or ServiceGive your prospective customers so many reasons to purchase from you, they couldn't possibly think of going elsewhere.

Give your prospective customers so many reasons to purchase from you, they couldn't possibly think of going elsewhere.

You may think your lack of business is competition but, In reality, it's you. You have not created enough value.

I don't usually concern myself with competing businesses. That focuses attention on the wrong target. Your business focus should be on what you do for your customers. You aim at where you want to hit – not where you don't.

I'm not saying to be unaware of what others are doing because you can always learn what they are doing right or wrong.

What I am saying is; don't worry about them. Make the difference between who you are and who they are huge. Everyone does something a little bit different. Make your difference a big one. Create a category of one - so there is no competition.

Competing as another “me too" is where many people don't get it.

When you begin thinking in a different way, you begin to position yourself, your service or your company as a category of one.The hardest part is - you have to THINK different. That's the larger, caps, bold, italic and underlined kind of thinking.

If I were to pass “My wisdom of the ages" on to my dearest, most deserving protégé, I would whisper in their ear ……"People want more value".

Many business people don't fully understand “Value".Some say; "It really, all comes down to price - Right?"Nope.

Why do you think many people want buy a Lexus over a Focus and a Rolex over a Timex?It's not about price. It's all about VALUE.

Whether you're buying a multi-million dollar home or, a 50 cent candy bar – you want more Value. You want your money's worth - and maybe a little more.

When you feel it was a little better than a good trade – “value traded for value received" – you are well satisfied.

Even if two companies competed head to head with the exact pricing, there are a number of ways the scales can be tipped in their favor?

One only has to offer more perceived value. They can be subtle or overt differences. It can be as simple as one salesperson or website being liked or trusted more than another or, it could have been different payment terms or, a guarantee one side made that the other didn't think of writing down.

And, as we see often on the web, it could be a free giveaway, a bonus or, an E-book. Many of us have seen and tried “Free Samples" in the local Costco store.

Or, received mouthwash, creams, panty hose, toothpaste or, soap in our mailboxes. (I gave the pantyhose to my wife and kept the rest.) Hey, baker's have been doing it for millennia.

In marketing it's called “Sampling" and it's a big part of some corporate budgets.

The very first thing a customer wants to know before they will invest any of their time paying attention to what you have to sell is: Is this for me? and What will I get?

Samples are great for giving a taste of what's to come.At the same time you must, somehow, attract the attention of who you are selling to.

An efficient way of doing that is to not only identify them but let them know, very quickly, what they will get at the same time. You can do this by giving a “verbal free sample" or, value offer.

Here are a few examples of different markets and value offers:Golfers will easily shave 4 to 5 strokes off their game with this secret technique…(We've called out to the golfers in the audience and let them know what they could get – something we know they all want.

They are drawn in by their curiosity in your offer of a “secret technique" – which, they would all want to know.)

Wine Lovers! Fill your collection with world class wines at wholesale prices.(Again, here we've identified the audience and what many of them desire – VALUE that's meaningful)

Selling a home? Here are 5 inexpensive tips to increase your “curb appeal".(Identify the audience and what they get. “Curb Appeal" to a home-seller means a quicker sale and more $$)Here is the secret every marketing professional knows.

Every person lives to increase their life. More or better food, clothing, shelter and health. They want to increase their value, their fortunes, their attractiveness, their ability to give more and have greater abundance and fulfillment in their life. That's it!

All you need to understand, is whatyour product or service does for someone and let them know in as many ways as you can.

Value and Value-AddedWhen defining what, exactly your customer gets, you need to be able to describe it in terms of value because the only reason a person parts with their money is for the perceived returned value.

It becomes exceedingly more difficult in a competitive world to keep your product or service from becoming a commodity where price is the only consideration. That is, unless you understand Value and “Value-Added".

The basic values are Price, Quality and Delivery. Consequently, as soon as someone else adds more value to their offer, the scales start tipping in their favor.

The secret is to identify and understand all of the different aspects of value your customer gets.

Value-added is what Chef Emeril would call BAM!To help explain, here's an example of 2 different company messages about quality.

Company A:“Our promise of unparalleled quality is demonstrated by our continuous employee training to standards unheard of in our market – and, at no additional expense to our customer. All of our employees go through sixteen hours of training and testing before being allowed to interact with customers, along with ongoing weekly meetings and critiques, thereby, assuring our customers service is never compromised.

Company B: "Quality is Job One"If you were the customer and read the Company A versus Company B, which would be more attractive? The first company statement is also an example of “value-added".

This company not only stated their own standards were above the market standards – and at no additional cost! But, defined exactly what that meant, as well as, adding “before being allowed to interact with customers – and further topped that with “along with ongoing weekly meetings and critiques – assuring our customers service is never compromised."Wow! They really do mean it. Does all that come with a cherry on top???

And the all the other company has to say is“Quality is Job One"…………?? Blah, Blah, Blah.

If these two company's were competing closely on price, who would you give your business to? In your mind is there any other choice? Wouldn't you even go a little out of your way to do business with a Company A kind of company?That's a category of ONE. The idea is to give, give, give! And then, continually find ways to give some more! Customers Want More Value!

Talk about the things your customers GET - Not what you have to sell. When the value is obvious, it's so much easier to do business and get loyal customers and referrals.

The bottom line:When you come right down to it, think of what the value of a customer is? What is the “lifetime" value of your customers? Meaning; what would they spend over the years with you if you kept them happy? What would you be willing to pay to get one of these customers? What would you pay to keep one? Even if you add a little expense over what the competition is offering, it is usually well worth it. You always get more by giving more.-

After 30 years as a designer and creative director Dennis Kunkler believes you cannot market intelligently without, first, answering three simple questions. Learn the secrets in the E-Book at www.BrandLikeAPro.com.Download it free now - after some brief editing, it will be $19.95.Contact: dennis@positionedtosell.com or at 413-786-9911

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Secretarial Services:Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It

Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It

Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. Learn how to write money-making follow up messages...

Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list.

Since your customers have already done business with you and like and trust you, they are more likely to buy something from you again. That's why selling to your previous customers is much easier and more cost effective than gaining new customers.

Email marketing is the easiest, fastest, and most affordable way to follow up with your customers. The cost of sending email letters is zero. You can also automate 95% of your email marketing campaign and follow up system to save a lot of time.

Writing a follow up email letter is not rocket science. Simply explain some of the most important benefits of your product and then provide your customers with a link to your online sales letter to learn more.

All of us receive some promotional emails every now and then. Some of them are very powerful, while others are poorly written and boring.

If you save effective email messages that you receive on your computer, soon you'll have a collection of sample killer follow up messages to learn from. Read them carefully to discover their secrets to success, and then use that formula for your own follow up messages.

To your success!

Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of http://www.FreeNewsletterIdeas.com/ where you'll find creative email marketing ideas and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.

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Secretarial Services:How to Get Creative Newsletter Design Ideas

How to Get Creative Newsletter Design Ideas

If you want to have a successful newsletter, you need to have a professional newsletter layout. The more newsletter layout ideas you get, the better layout you can design. Here are some tips on how to find great newsletter design ideas...

#1. Free Newsletter Templates

You can find many free newsletter templates to download for free on the Internet. Simply search for the word "newsletter templates" in search engine and you will find many websites. You can get inspired by their layout and design for your own newsletter.

Here's a resource to download professional, free newsletter templates.

#2. Other People's Newsletter Layouts

Thousands of people have already spent a lot of time to create professional templates for their newsletter. So you have thousands of newsletter layout ideas to learn from.

You can get inspired by the designs of your favorite newsletters or find more newsletters in ezine directories. Don't copy their designs though - but learn from them.

#3. Offline Magazines

You can get great design ideas from some offline magazines. Just look for those kinds of designs that are suitable for online publications too.

Wish you the best of luck!

Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of http://www.FreeNewsletterIdeas.com where you'll find creative email marketing ideas and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.

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Secretarial Services:When You Need Marketing Help - Do you call a Doctor or a Fireman?

Did you hear the funny joke about the Widget Company who called in a Marketing Consultant and said "We need a brochure"? more...

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Secretarial Services:Marketing: Can I Trust You?

Marketing: Can I Trust You?

We live in an unprecedented era of communication. Because of this, your prospects are literally bombarded from all directions with marketing messages. They’ve heard so many hyped claims, that they automatically distrust them all.

How can you avoid this in your marketing messages? How can you convince them that what you promise is what you will actually deliver?

First of all, tell the truth. Don’t promise that your widget will do something it won’t. You may get sales in the short term, but long term, nothing you say will be believable ever again.

Now that we’ve got the obvious out of the way, here’s what else you can do to make your ads and commercials believable: Prove every claim that you make as you make it.

Why will your widget give your prospect more time with her family? Because it slices exactly 53% faster than the competition. How do I know your weight loss product works? Because it was discovered by a doctor in Nevada. What makes me think your real estate firm will sell my house? Because your average home sells within 18 days.

Notice the precision of the proof: 53%, not 50 or even 55. A Nevada doctor as opposed to just any physician. An 18 day average, not 15 or 20. Believe it or not, a specific number will actually pull better than a rounded one even if the rounded one seems more favorable. Why? Because the rounded one smells like what it is: hype. Details are believable. Vagueness isn’t.

Put the proof with your promise, and give it some detail. It will sell better than all the hype you can conceive.

Lisa Packer, author of "How To Dramatically Increase Your Business... Without A Blockbuster Budget" and "7 Ways To Get A Pay Raise From Your Web Site" is an independent Copywriter and Marketing Consultant. Find out how to get these two reports, plus more helpful articles like the one you just read at www.dramatic-copy.com. Dramatic Copy: The Right Words Make A Dramatic Difference.

Start a Secretarial Service

Secretarial Services:Developing A Focused Marketing Strategy

You want all of your marketing messages to have a single focus, so they pull together instead of competing with each other. Great! So how do you come up with one? more...

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Secretarial Services:Get Personal: Letters vs. Direct Mail

One of the reasons direct mail works is the personal aspect. It's ostensibly a letter from you to your prospect. Because of this, the more personal you make it, the better your response will be. more...

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Secretarial Services:Maximizing Your Yellow Page Investment

Maximizing Your Yellow Page Investment

Yellow Page users are the hottest of all prospects – someone who has made the decision to buy, and now is looking for a place to do it. Does your ad convince them that your business is that place?

It doesn’t have to be the biggest, although that can certainly help. And if you do it right, it won’t even matter if your business is listed first. What matters is that your ad is the most persuasive.

“But, Lisa!” you’re saying in your most shocked whisper, “Everybody knows that the first listing in a category gets the most response! That’s why so many business names start with ‘A.’”

Well, yeah, if I’m faced with a list of indistinguishable company names, I’ll just go with the first one I see. And 99% of all Yellow Page ads seem to have the company name as their headline.

But your business may be better than the one that starts with “A.” So why don’t you tell me that? Move your company name to the bottom, beside your phone number, and greet me with a bold headline telling me just what’s so great about you. Invest in a few lines of copy (get rid of the photo of your store if you have to – I don’t really care about it, anyway) that prove you can deliver on some great promises.

Did you know that making those changes can increase your response by 600%? Yes, really. That beats having an “A” name any day!

Lisa Packer, author of "How To Dramatically Increase Your Business... Without A Blockbuster Budget" and "7 Ways To Get A Pay Raise From Your Web Site" is an independent Copywriter and Marketing Consultant. Find out how to get these two reports, plus more helpful articles like the one you just read at www.dramatic-copy.com. Dramatic Copy: The Right Words Make A Dramatic Difference.

Secretarial Services:How To Write Effective Safelists Headlines

How To Write Effective Safelists Headlines

Your headline is the gateway to your advertisement. it will either entice your reader to continue reading, or turn them of before they've read a single word about your product. A good headline translates into leads.

Headlines are the first thing the eye falls on. If it loses your reader's attention, you automatically lose a potential lead. This translates into a single fact: your headline is what sells your product. An effective headline will be impossible to resist, and it will force the reader to learn more about your product or service.

You only have a few seconds to seize your reader's attention. That being said, it is imperative that you earn how to write good, if not brilliant headlines. Let's start by examining what the function of a headline is.

A headline should grab the reader's attention, communicate potential benefits to that reader, and set-up an expectation of what will follow in the body of the ad-and the headline must do this all at once, instantaneously! Additionally, an effective headline is a filter that attracts your target audience.

Your headline should be educational rather than overly commercial. The best headlines declare an issue or a problem faced by marketing professionals, and they contain the subtle promise of your product or service being able to solve that problem.

For example,"How to…" headlines work well because they appeal to the need for information. Headlines written as a question appeal to the reader's emotions because they will automatically want that question answered and be moved to read on. Headlines written as commands, such as "Double your traffic…" focusing on the most vital benefit of your product or service literally demands your reader's attention.

Another strategy is using a news item as headline copy, such as announcing your new breakthrough service. Finally, consider using the best sentence, subtly rewritten, from a testimonial: My traffic has increased by 50% and sales are at an all time high! Testimonials, which must always be reliable and true to their source, inspire your potential customer's trust and peak their interest.

Obviously, learning how to write elective headlines is essential. But to do that, you must first understand what the qualities of effective headlines are.

An effective headline must be immediately credible. You have to make a claim, but it must not sound impossible or miraculous. If it sounds too amazing, the reader will not believe you, and you will lose them before you get the chance to explain your product or service.

Following this line of reasoning, effective headlines must also be short because the average reader's attention span is short. For the same reason that sound bites work, headlines must be brief and notable. They must be easy to remember, and even better, impossible to forget. Quotation marks work well in headlines, for example, because they both grab the eye and the reader's attention. This is most likely due to the conditioning people receive from reading books. A reader tend to focus more on whats being said within the quotation marks.

Use no more than fifteen words at the most. The shorter the better, so eliminate all extraneous words, such as adjectives and adverbs. These words can make a headline sound unbelievable or like hype, so only use these modifiers in your ad copy.

Headlines should appeal to the reader's emotions rather than their intellect. Generally, strong emotions motivate people to take action, and the more powerful the emotion, the faster the action. So aim to write headlines that inspire awe, excitement, curiosity, even fear, and you will have solidly caught your reader's attention.

Write in the active voice, using the first or second person. Keep all your verbs in the present tense, as it makes the headline more immediate. Aim to write a headline that is in the imperative tense in order to motivate your reader to take some kind of action. In this case, reading on to the rest of the ad.

Think of how you grab someone's attention verbally in your life. You use strong, direct, imperative language. You use strong action verbs and direct nouns and phrases. The same method should be applied to your headline. You want to stop the reader in their tracks, but then be sure to hold onto their attention.

After you have their focus, aim to entice them by hinting at what your product may do for them. You must accomplish this is in as little words as possible.
The best way to figure out how to entice your audience is to have a clear sense of exactly who your target audience is. Understand what motivates them, what their interests, passions, and priorities are, and what they are looking for.

What is it that causes this target audience to take some kind of action? Once you answer these questions, choose words that will arouse this audience's interest.

However, make sure that your headlines are 100% truthful, accurate, and above all, credible-and your advertising copy must support the claim your headline makes.

It's a good idea to test market different headlines. Once you get the hang of writing them, try out a different headline as you update your ads, and keep track of what ads received the most responses. These are the two or three headlines that you should build your marketing campaign around.

The content of your message in a safelist ad should be educational. Include case studies, research results, testimonials, anecdotes, and the relevant benefits of your product or service.
Focus on the most important benefits your customers will receive from your product. Be specific and stick to facts, don't use hyperbole. Be as down-to-earth as possible or you will sound unbelievable. You want to keep the focus on your product,not on yourself, and you want to appeal to a wide range of different types of people.

It's a good idea to include a compelling story. Focus on what makes your product or service unique, and then find a story that illustrates how a customer was able to effectively make use of this uniqueness. This story should lead the reader to an offer that will compel some form of action.

Offer something upfront, such as a free article, a discount, a free trial offer, or even a free ebook. Then immediately follow it with a link to that offer that declares: CLICK HERE FOR FREE OFFER. This will automatically bring the reader to your website where they can learn more about your product.

Keep your message within 3 screens of text. You want it to be long enough to contain all the relevant information and benefits, but not so long that it will become a chore to read.
Make sure your copy is fluent, flowing, and easy to read. Eliminate all spelling and grammatical mistakes. If you're giving out a lot of information, break up the space using bulleted lists to give the reader's eye a rest. A list should summarize the key benefits in an immediately accessible form.

Make sure the text is easy to read, in a readable font, with enough space between the lines. Use color only to emphasize points, and don't use too much of it or it will become distracting. Avoid colored backgrounds, as they are hard on the eyes. Use upper and lower case text. If you want to use caps, save it for your headlines.

Use a blank line between paragraphs instead of an indent to increase the white space on the page.

Keep your ad copy as brief as a single page if possible. The more emphatic and condensed, the greater the possibility of maintaining reader attention.

Using Free safelists is a great way to try out different ad headlines and copy. Monitor the results carefully until you've honed in on the most defective emails. Then go on to subscribe to the Pro lists using your most effective ad copy.

FREE Gift - Safelist Marketing Revealed


Secretarial Services:Building Your Home Based Business Website

A home based business, like any other business these days, needs a website to be successful.  And fortunately, a home based business owner doesn't need major corporate dollars to build a great we... more...

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Secretarial Services:Six Tips On Running A Successful Home Based Business

Everyone starts a home based business full of enthusiasm and high hopes.  Unfortunately, the day-in-day-out reality can turn out to be a little more than they bargained for.  Failure doesn't... more...

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Secretarial Services:Home Based Business On A Shoestring-Or Even A Thread!

Home Based Business On A Shoestring—Or Even A Thread!

Starting a stay at home based business doesn’t always require a great deal of money to get up and running. In fact, often you can start a stay at home based business without any money at all. So don’t let lack of funds keep you from realizing your dream of having your own home based business.

Because often all you need to have a home based business are your special skills and talents. For instance, do you know your way around a computer? Then your home based business could be to offer computer tutoring, because believe it or not, many people still think reboot means to put your boots on again and that a search is something you do when you’ve lost something. You can post flyers or posters at the local library and branches to advertise your computer tutoring service. Daycares and schools are also good places to get the news out about your home based business computer tutor service because many parents want their children to learn how to use a computer correctly.

Another home based business that’s cost little to nothing to start is a garage and attic cleaning company. The great thing about this is that not only do you get paid for doing something most people hate (which ensures you’ll have lots of customers!), but often you can also pick up treasures that you can resell at garage sales or online auctions. And as people today get busier and busier, the demand for this service is increasing faster than you can say trash—and people willing to pay big bucks for the service. This is a great home based business to have if you get a lot of satisfaction from getting things in order and like physical labor.

Personal errand or personal concierge services are becoming the hottest home based businesses going these days. People just don’t have time to go to the cleaners and do their own grocery shopping. They’ll gladly pay someone, and pay them well, to do these chores and others like them so they’re not as stressed. Some of your best customers will be parents whose children are involved in a lot of extracurricular activities because they’re some of the most time-strapped people of all. Put up some posters at little league fields, dance schools, daycares, schools and similar places to advertise your home based business.

If you want a home based business where you will be able to stay at home rather than be out and about, consider becoming a freelance writer or proofreader. The demand for this type of home based business service has increased dramatically in the last two years as more and more businesses are outsourcing this sort of work. There are also websites like Elance and Guru where businesses post writing and editing jobs that you can bid on. You will have to pay a subscription fee in order to bid, but there are several levels and payment options available. You can also approach businesses and publishing companies directly and provide them with a portfolio or samples of your work. This can be a fun home based business to have and also one that has a great deal of growth potential if you’re especially talented with words or have eagle eyes when it comes to typos.

And if you’re a person who loves planning events, then a home based business as an event or wedding planner just might be perfect for you. Home based businesses of this type are another popular trend right now, and you can earn you a much larger income than you might expect. You’ll do better in a home based business like this if you specialize in planning one type of event and become an expert at it rather than spread yourself too thin, trying to be all things to all people. Wedding planners, for example, can stay extremely busy and earn good money planning only weddings—as much as $3000 per wedding in many cases. There are books that will teach you all you need to know, and there’s also software available to guide you and to keep track of the details.

There are many other types of home based businesses that are simple and inexpensive to start. The main thing to do when selecting the home based business you want is to focus on your skills and what you like to do. Passion plays an important part in making a stay a home job or business successful. To keep your costs down, think of the tools and equipment, like a computer or truck, that you already own—then put it to work for your own home based business!

Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home Based Business.


Secretarial Services:Home Based Business Marketing - Getting the Word Out

Home Based Business Marketing - Getting the Word Out

Marketing your home based business is vital to its success. So one of the first things you should do when starting your home based business is to develop a marketing plan.

For your home based business marketing plan, you need to know what your business is really about and what separates you from the other guys in the same type of business. When you have an idea about this, you want to develop an unique selling proposition statement (USP). This is different from an advertising tagline, although you may end up using it as one. A USP, however, is usually a one-sentence statement that sums up who you are and what the purpose and mission of your home based business are.

After you develop your home based business USP, you want to think seriously about your target market. Who are they? Where do they live? How much education do they have? What are their buying habits? What’s their gender? Asking questions like these help you know your customers inside and out, which will be of tremendous benefit in allowing you to talk to them in their own language and in understanding the best way to get the message about your home based business across to them.

Once you know these things, it’s time to think about advertising. You will, of course, want to have business cards, letterhead and envelopes for your home based business. You may want to hire a graphic designer to develop a special logo just for your home based business and have it printed on all your business and marketing materials, from envelopes to television commercials, if you decide to run some to advertise your home based business. A logo is an excellent way to brand your business so that the minute people see it, they automatically think of you. If you don’t think this is true, consider Nike. Without the swoosh, Nike just wouldn’t be Nike.

You will definitely want to have a website for your home based business, whether you’re doing business online or off. Even if you’re not marketing your product or service to the online community, a website gives your home based business more substance and credibility. Web developers and writers can have your website up and running in a day, but it’s better to take some time and plan the look and feel you want your website to have before going live with it.

Some other ways to market your home based business offline that are quite inexpensive are flyers, circulars and posters. You can make these types of marketing materials on your own computer, then post them around town and leave them in places where there are likely to be people who want your product and/or service. Marketing materials like these are much more effective than you might think and are a great way to reach an untapped market for your home based business. However, if you’re leaving flyers in a business or office be sure to get permission first. You don’t want them to just get chunked in the trash!

Other home based business marketing materials that tend to be a bit more costly are brochures, radio commercials, billboards and television commercials. But they might not be as expensive as you think, especially if you’re focused on a particular small area.

For brochures and billboards, you will want to hire a good graphic artist to create them, and you’ll also need to buy media placement for the billboards.

For commercials for your home based business, both radio and television, you’ll need a copywriter to write a script unless you plan on writing it yourself. You’ll also need a producer to record or shoot your commercial. You’ll also have to buy the media placement for it. Many small local advertising agencies in your area can do all of this for you at a moderate charge. Some agencies that are just starting out themselves may be willing to give you a discount to help advertise their own service. Just make sure their agency has a reputation for quality—like the one you’re developing for your own home based business!

Charles Fuchs

I grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way.

Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home Based Business.

Start a Secretarial Service

Secretarial Services - :Is it a Real Business or a Hobby?

Is it a Real Business or a Hobby?

If you are planning to play with your website / online business then it might be a hobby. Many people then turn their hobbies into a full time business.

Do you remember when a home business was typing, ironing, house cleaning or selling crafts? In today’s environment we can do computer drafting, medical transcription, internet marketing and more. When the average person saw a computer for the first time, most people figured “what would I need it for” and others thought it was “the best thing to happen in years”.

Then the internet came to the ordinary person, like you and me. That opened up a lot of eyes. Wow, email, buying and selling everything under the sun and then having it delivered overnight.

If you are planning to play with your website / online business then it might be a hobby. Many people then turn their hobbies into a full time business. If you are going to advertise, write articles and work with your network of friends and influence, then it may be a business. All in all you should be comfortable with your website and take it to any level you wish. Some people want to supplement their income to afford a few luxuries or pay bills. Some put in the time and effort like a real job and the possibilities are endless.

No matter how you see your online business you will need to advertise it to get visitors. Visitors are the prime essential to any business. And return visitors will make your business. If all you have are single visits, you will not make it, but if you have repeat visitors you are on your way to great things.

5 ways to build your business:

Write informative newsletters with Tips and Ideas and most important, describe your business to get your subscribers to click through and visit your website every time they read your newsletter.

Start an email campaign by advertising your newsletter to build a subscriber list. Use an autoresponder for this and then have your newsletter delivered on weekly intervals to your subscribers.

Be on the look out for new and informative ideas and add that content to your website, so your subscribers will come back to see what is “New”.

Write articles about your business or ideas you have that may be of interest to others. Post your article(s) to websites, so readers will click through to your site for your newsletter and build your relationships.

Be personal with your subscribers and not just a pitch man selling junk. Be helpful to anyone that has questions. Be a coach, a teacher and a friend.

The fun is just beginning. Build your business as fast as you feel comfortable. Look for forums and work groups that discuss online businesses and you will find many helpful people.

Dan Milam operates www.HomeBiz-USA.com, to discover how to build your own successful online business, Sign up for my newsletter and get helpful online support.

Secretarial Services - :Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Partnership Contract

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Signing a Partnership Contract

Choosing a home based business partner is something you want to put a great deal of thought into. Like anything else, having a home based business partner has an upside and a downside. So before you sign those partnership papers and head out for a celebratory drink, you want to make sure you’ve chosen the right one for your home based business. Here are some questions to guide you in making your decision.

Are you compatible?

Being great golfing buddies does not mean that the two of you will get along well as home based business partners. You want to be comfortable with your partner and enjoy being around them. Still, in most cases, a too-close friendship is not advised. Why? Being extremely close friends with you business partner can keep you from challenging them or offering constructive criticism. This might inhibit your partner also. This can cause resentments to flair up between you that are difficult, if not impossible, to resolve. So when choosing your home based business partner, make sure the person is someone you’ll enjoy being with, but remember that your business must take priority over feelings and friendship.

Do you share the same values?

A great home based business partner will share your business values. You may not approach business or your work in the same manner, but when it comes to the big picture, like how to grow your home based business and what the goals of your business are, your partner should be in agreement. Sharing the same values with your partner gives both your partnership and your home based business a better shot at success and greater productivity.

Is the person’s personal life stable?

Knowing this is important because too often personal dramas have a way of spilling over into a person’s work life. While everyone will go through times when this cannot be helped, a person whose life is a high drama all the time can be a drain on you, rather than a help. The whole purpose of having a partner is to have someone to share the load. If your home based business partner is something of a drama king or queen, it’s likely they’ll be unable to give the business the attention and dedication it needs to be successful.

Do you have a common vision?

Where your home based business is concerned, the two of you need to have the same goals and beliefs about what your home based business is about, where you want it to go, and how you want it to get there. Agreeing on these fundamentals can make or break a home based business. While differences of opinion are always going to occur and can even be good in that they may open your eyes to new, better ways of doing things, agreement on the fundamentals is vital to ensuring your home based business will succeed.

What skills and abilities will the person bring to your home based business?

This should be a lot more than just wanting to have a home based business, just like you do. And it’s usually better when the partner has a totally different skills and talents than you have. If both of you are only interested and capable of doing the exact, same tasks, then your home based business will not be a well-rounded one. This can also cause jealousy down the road when one of you, perhaps, gets more recognition than the other. Good home based business partners have abilities that complement each other—much like they do in a good marriage!

Charles Fuchshttp://www.charlesfuchs.comhttp://charlesfuchs.blogspot.comI grant permission to publish this article, electronically or in print, as long as the bylines are included, with a live link, and the article is not changed in any way.
Copyright © 2006, Charles Fuchs, President of Vision Management Enterprise Inc., is an established online marketer who specializes in helping people start their very own Work at Home Based Business.


Secretarial Services - :Home Based Business Plan Guide

Every home based business needs a plan to be successful.  It isn't enough to have a great idea for a home based business and just hang out your shingle.  Which is a something that many home ... more...

Start a Secretarial Business

Secretarial Services - :Starting is the hardest part

You can't imagine how many people ask me how I did it. To turn my back onto convention, to turn a deaf ear on the people who wants what is best for me, to snub my nose at people who... more...

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Secretarial Services - :Things to Consider Before Firing Your Boss

While a home based business has many advantages and perks, it also has its share of disadvantages.  Before firing your boss and opening the doors of your own home based business, it's good to be ... more...

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Secretarial Services - :Quick Guide to Starting a Home Based Business

For years now, starting a home based business has been your dream.  The problem is you really don't know how to get started.  Most people don't, believe it or not.  This brief guide, th... more...

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Secretarial Business - 8 customer service rules

8 rules for good customer service.
You can bring in as many new customers as you want, but unless you can get some of those customers to come back, your business won't be profitable for long. These 8 simple rules will ensure that your business becomes known for its good customer service and allow you to reap the benefits that good customer service provides

Secretarial Business - customer service

Four Ways To Outshine Your Competitors' Customer Service
There’s no real secret to getting your customers to come back. All you need to do is provide customer service that exceeds your customers' expectations and outshines your competitors' customer service.http://sbinfocanada.about.com/cs/marketing/a/shinycustserv.htm

Secretarial Services:Home Business Idea: Do not forget typos!...No, not your typos but others mispelling!

In this post about home business idea, you know:

Do not forget typos!...No, not your typos but others mispelling!
Do YOU know that typos help you to make profits?

Yes, I'm talking about 2 things:

1) typos in KEYWORDS

2) typos in DOMAIN

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Home Business Idea ** Resources for You **

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Do You wanna great free solutions, business programs or more?...

Home Business Idea - Niche Products: YOU Save Your Money While You Make Profits, 100% Sure!

Home Business Idea - The Super Ebook Of Tinu

Home Business Idea - Are You Searching For a Winning Home Business Idea?

Home Business Idea - Open Your Free Franchise & Make $300 Profits Per Day!...No Stocks, No Resell, Guaranteed!

Home Business Idea - Get Your Full ClickBank Mall In 2 Minutes..Free! 5,200 Products Ready to Sell, Free!

Home Business Idea - Do You Really Desire To Work At Home?..

Home Business Idea - Download an amazing Collection of 300+ Business Articles, FREE!

Home Business Idea - Get 500+ Articles To INCREASE Your Site Traffic... 100% Free! more...

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Secretarial Services:Frequently Asked Questions For Small Business Start Up

Frequently Asked Questions for small business start up, writing a business plan and anything related to small business ownership.

Secretarial Services:Writing A Business Plan Work Shop

Writing a business plan is one of the most important aspects of starting a business in today's every changing environment.



Secretarial Services:Small Business Plan and Start Up

Small business plan and start up is the main page of the site. It can direct you to details about starting a business, writing a business plan, a financial statement, a mission statement, an executive summary and business finances.



Secretarial Services:Writing A Small Business Plan Sample

This Small Business Plan Sample will help you write your business plan in the correct manner. You will get to see what a business plan really looks like. And also see how it can help your business.



Secretarial Services:Business Checklist Plan

Business Checklist Plan will make sure you have not forgotten anything that should be included in you business plan.


Secretarial Services:Help With A Business Plan

If you are looking for Help With A Business Plan, you are in the right place. When it comes to writing a business plan there are seven parts that you need to master to get it done.


href=http://www.startasecretarialbusiness.com/home-businesses/at-home-jobs.html>Start a Secretarial Business</a>


Communication Keys for Success

Communication Keys for Success
Improving communication is a major need for many businesses.

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Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself
Believe Your Way to Success ...

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5 master qualities of extraordinary achievers.

5 master qualities of extraordinary achievers.
You can be a master achiever by developing the same qualities of those who seem to achieve more than others. Here are 5 qualities you need to master in order to become a successful person in your chos...

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How To Become Qualified As A Proofreader

How To Become Qualified As A Proofreader
Writing Articles | June 3, 2005

The field of proofreading is not as easy to get into as you might think. In fact, there are many proof reading qualifications that you must possess in order to qualify. While these qualifications change from company to company, the over all concepts are the same throughout. Unless you can prove your worth and be able to do the job, you will not have the proof reading qualifications that are necessary. To get these, you must dedicate yourself to the cause.

Many people see the world of freelance to be an easy to do from home job. It is anything but this. It is vitally important that people understand that writing skills and communication skills are the most important aspects of this career. A career as a proofreader is not something to take lightly. In fact, in order to be taken seriously, you need to have the proper proof reading qualifications. Here are some basic things you will need to understand. We say basic because there are many more areas that you will need to learn as well as these. First, you will need to be able to grasp the basics. Proofreading entails catching the spelling and grammatical errors of the piece. But, it also is about correcting problems with the flow of the piece, the tone of the piece, the layout and even fixing mistakes with facts. A good way to get this training is to take a basic proofreading training certification. Although this is not the only training you will need, it is a step into the right direction.

As someone who is trying to break into a major career, you will need to adequately train yourself, prove yourself and provide work that people will come back for. With so many people taking the proof reading qualifications that are needed as a joke, it is no wonder that more and more companies are stressing the need for proper training. Freelancing the work is one thing. You still must be dedicated the entire way on the path to stepping into the world and career of proofreading.

Visit FreelanceWritingResource.com for more Articles, Resources, News and Views about Freelance Writing Jobs.

Protecting Your Computer from Adware and Spyware

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Your Hard Drive is Going to Explode- Why a UPS is Essential

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Secretarial Services: Copyediting-Proofreading

"How To Make A Career Out Of Copyediting And Proofreading"

Do you possess the qualities of a good proof reader? Are you good with details, spotting errors in spelling, grammar, and the flow of a piece and putting together quality work? If so, you may be able to make a career out of copyediting or proofreading. For those looking to get in to this field of copywriting, they may be stuck looking in if they do not know where or how to get established. So, is there a tried and tested method for getting your foot in the door? No matter how much any and all of us would like that; there is just no easy way to do so.

Of course, anyone looking into copyediting and proofreading can prepare themselves for the demands of the career. Training is often the most essential need. Quality training that is. For many freelance is the way to go. One slip of the finger and you could have cost yourself a good proof reading job. No matter if you get your training through online courses or go to a standard college, you’ll need to ensure that your goals remain the same. These should be quality training, dedicated work, and responsibility. For many, starting with freelance is the best way to go. In the field, copy editing and copy writing is growing in demand for quality trained employees. For others, working under other proof readers is the best first step.
It all comes down to getting that first break. When you do, it is solely up to you to make it count for all it is worth. If you have the qualities that are needed to build a career in copyediting or proofreading, you can begin work for clients online. There are several websites that are able to provide you with a connection to the clients you need. From there, it only takes one person to get moving in the right direction. You’ll find if you do a quality job the first time out, you can guarantee your services to be recommended time and time again. Or, you may even want to get in touch with a proof reader needing help. Then, you can develop your skills, work out any glitches and learn how to get your own clients. In the end, you’ll find that the answer to your how to questions is just to try!

Visit FreelanceWritingResource.com for more Articles, Resources, News and Views about Freelance Writing Jobs. This article may be reprinted in full so long as the resource box and links are included intact.

"Copywriter Rates, Getting The Facts Beforehand"

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Have you ever had the experience of hiring a freelance copy writer only to find that the project takes longer than expected, or that the fees they offered are ‘flexible’ in the wrong way for you to be...

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If you are looking for copywriter books, you'll want to devote some time to reading. In fact, if you plan to look online for your copy writer resources, you might as well just devote your life to read...

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3 Keys to Better Online Copywriting

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Design is a very subjective thing, therefore, if you ask me how to come up with a first class design for your marketing collateral or publishing mediums, it would be very unfair for me or anyone else ...

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10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed

10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed
Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussionlists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups?People will usually read the subject line before theyread your ad or message, so it's important the...

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Why your ads aren't working

Why your ads aren't working
Straight-forward answers to a key question.

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A good logo vs. a FABULOUS logo

A good logo vs. a FABULOUS logo
If you had a choice, which one would you choose, a good logo or a fabulous logo? Think about it for a second here, although I know the answer is crystal clear. Because many of us settle for a good log...

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Small Business Marketing Series – Choosing a Niche Market

Small Business Marketing Series – Choosing a Niche Market
Many smaller businesses choose niche markets for various reasons and these niche markets can be very lucrative. This article will look at ways to identify and assess whether they are right for your bu...

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Design does matter

Design does matter
The idea that good design can improve how people perceive your business has long been a part of a designer’s sales tools.

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Home Based Business Plan Guide

Home Based Business Plan Guide
Every home based business needs a plan to be successful.  It isn’t enough to have a great idea for a home based business and just hang out your shingle.  Which is a something that many home ...

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Starting is the hardest part

Starting is the hardest part
You can't imagine how many people ask me how I did it.

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Before the Business Plan

Before the Business Plan
Purveyors of conventional wisdom would have you believe that the very first thing you ought to do when setting up a new business is to create a business plan.

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Unusual Home Businesses

Unusual Home Businesses
All Unusual Home Businesses have one great thing in common in that they're, well, unusual. This often means both that tons of other people haven't gotten in on them yet and that you can find them in a ...

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Medical Transcription - Using other people's money

Medical Transcription - Using other people's money
How to Use Other People's Money for Your Business
By Matthew Lesko

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Medical Transcription - Professional Transcription

Medical Transcription - Professional Transcription
Professional Transcription and Your Business
by Kate Smalley

Got stacks of audio tapes that need to be converted to a more user-friendly format? Professional transcription services may be the answer. Professional transcriptionists can take standard or mini cassettes ....

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Medical Transcription - Why hire a transcriptionist?

Medical Transcription - Why hire a transcriptionist?
Why Hire a Professional Transcriptionist to Convert Your Dictation or Audio Recordings to Typed Text?

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Medical Transcription - Tooting your own horn

Medical Transcription - Tooting your own horn
"If he who has a thing to sell goes and whispers in a well, he won't be so apt to make the dollars As he who climbs a tree and hollers!"
-- Anonymous

Every day in your business, something happens that others should know about such as exceptional service ...

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Medical Transcription - Medical transcription resource

Medical Transcription - Medical transcription resource
This medical transcription resource will answer a lot of the questions you might have about medical transcription.

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MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home.

MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home.
MT Daily - medical transcription, work at home.

What is medical transcription, how is it done, and what does it pay?

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Choosing a medical transcription program 6

Choosing a medical transcription program 6
What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt6Author: Dawn MorenoHow To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramAdditionally, our course offers more transcription practice than any other program that we know of. Through our program you will transcrib

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Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 5

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 5
How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramHow Does Our Program Measure Up?Now the goal of this article is not to discuss why some other courses do not live up to the COMPRO guidelines but to present evidence why our course does. What does

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What's a good Medical Transciption program 4

What's a good Medical Transciption program 4
What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt4How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramWhat Should You Look For In A Good Program? When looking into MT programs it is important to think about it as an investment that will pay off when you comple

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Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 3

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 3
How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramWhat are the Results of Poor School Choice? It is a fact that even if graduates of subpar programs are able to pass an employment test and get hired they have a very hard time on the job. This is b

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Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 2

Choosing a good Medical Transcription program 2
What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt2Author: Dawn MorenoHow To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training ProgramWhy Not a Less Expensive, Faster Program?When you take the time to research the skills that a quality MT needs, it will become evident th

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How to choose a medical transcription program 1

How to choose a medical transcription program 1
What Constitutes a Good MT Program? pt1
Author: Dawn Moreno

How To Choose A Good Medical Transcription Training Program
Many ideas abound about what constitutes a good MT program. Some people feel that the schools that advertise on TV showing a mother working ...

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Secretarial Business - Copywriting

Secretarial Business - Copywriting
Copywriting: A Great Place to Start
By Bob McElwain

If you're new to website building or just getting started, one question may haunt you. With so many different things to be learned, where is the best place to start?

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Secretarial Business - The truth about medical transcription

Secretarial Business - The truth about medical transcription
Home Medical Transcriptioin: A Decent Living or a Scam?
by: Stephen Bucaro

No doubt you have seen many ads by medical transcription schools claiming that you can make big money typing medical transcription at home. Can you really make a good living doing medical transcription at home?

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Secretarial Business - Be a spy

Secretarial Business - Be a spy
Be a SpySpy constantly on your competitors, your industry, and yourself. Keep an open mind. Look for things you may not have expected or rather not see.

Why is this important? Most of us tend to develop beliefs about ourselves, our products, and our busine

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Secretarial Business - Where are you headed?

Secretarial Business - Where are you headed?
Where are you headed?by Leva DuellOnce in a while you need to pause and analyze what you̢۪re doing and where we̢۪re going. Clarify your goals, then decide on the importance and priority of each of your activities. Stephen Covey, priority management exp

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Secretarial Business - Getting the word out

Secretarial Business - Getting the word out
"If he who has a thing to sell goes and whispers in a well, he won't be so apt to make the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers!"
-- Anonymous

Every day in your business, something happens that others should know about. You give exceptional service ...

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Secretarial Business Professonal Transcription

Professional Transcription and Your Business
by Kate Smalley

Got stacks of audio tapes that need to be converted to a more user-friendly format? Professional transcription services may be the answer.

Professional transcriptionists can take standard or micro cassette tapes and produce a typed version of the text in a format that's clear, consistent and correct.

They can create transcripts of taped meetings, training sessions, seminars and conventions, as well as dictated letters, reports and manuscripts. Once the information is transcribed, you can easily email, fax or post it to a Website.

Accuracy Is Essential

Transcribing actually covers a variety of services.

It can include whatever editing is necessary to make a report or letter 'flow'.

It can also include the tweaking sentence syntax, adjusting paragraphs, removing redundancies, and repairing general grammatical errors. For some professions, a high degree of accuracy in transcripts is crucial. For example, medical transcriptionists must carefully listen to dictated recordings made by physicians and other healthcare professionals and accurately transcribe them into reports, correspondence and other administrative materials that eventually become part of patients' permanent files.

Their ability to understand and correctly transcribe patient assessments and treatments reduces the chance of patients receiving ineffective or even harmful treatments and ultimately ensures high quality patient care.

Accuracy in transcripts is equally as important in other fields. In legal matters, it's essential because all testimony must be rendered exactly as it's spoken. Likewise, police detectives require precise transcripts of statements by suspects and witnesses. In the corporate arena, letters, meetings and training sessions must be properly transcribed for the sake of effective education and communication.

Requirements For A Good Transcriptionist

Whether you need medical, legal or general transcribing for your business, accurate transcribing requires a unique set of skills. But if your staff lacks the expertise or time to transcribe materials in house, an outside company can easily fill the void.

- Working with an outside vendor offers a variety of cost-saving benefits, including:
- No cost of special equipment.
- No hourly employee downtime.
- You pay only for production.
- No Social Security, payroll or unemployment taxes.
- No medical insurance benefits, paid vacations and sick leave

But before you run out and hire the first transcription company available, make sure it has the skills to meet your needs.

The outsourcer you choose should be:
- Well-versed in the English language
- Knowledgeable of the rules of grammar
- Familiar with your industry
- Easily accessible for questions

Copyright 2004, Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary.
Freelance Secretarial and Transcription Services
http://www.connecticutsecretary.com, mailto:kms@connecticutsecretary.com. For more information about professional transcription services, contact Kate Smalley, Connecticut Secretary, at 203-641-3739 or mailto:kms@connecticutsecretary.com.

Secretarial Business - Creating a Presence

Secretarial Business - Creating a Presence
Lets say you have a great business idea and decide to open your own business. Signing a new long term office lease, purchasing office furniture and equipment, hiring new employees- it will all get very expensive not to mention long term commitment involved in

Start a secretarial business

Secretarial business - Jump start your sales

Secretarial business - Jump start your sales

1. Find a strategic business partner. Look for ones that have the same objective. You can trade leads, share marketing info, sell package deals, etc.

2. Brand your name and business. You can easily do this by just writing articles and submitting them to ...

Start a secretarial business

Secretarial Business - success quotes

Secretarial Business - success quotes
Consider what it takes to become an undeniable success with these sincere quotations that identify the fundamental factors necessary to triumph..."

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing."

Copywriting a great place to start

Copywriting a great place to start
By Bob McElwain

If you're new to website building or just getting started, one question may haunt you. With so many different things to be learned, where is the best place to start? I always suggest copywriting as a great way to begin. At this point, your eyebrows may be raised. But take a closer look.

Decisions Made Before Starting

Hopefully before turning to the task of building a site, you have at least sufficient answers to fundamental questions such as what you plan to sell, who you plan to sell to, and so forth. And you probably have at least a semblance of a business plan to guide you along the way. You may have included notions for expanding the business from a simple beginning. Getting even this far is a struggle for many.

By the time you have put together workable answers, you may already be tired of the whole thing. You may have quit a time or two, only to return grimly and determinedly to the task. At some point you may throw your arms at the sky and shout out loud, "Enough, already!"

But You Still Need A Website In the rush to get a business up and running, some simply throw up a few pages and hope things go well. Which is not a good idea. But even if you take such a minimal path, there is still much to learn. You'll need to know something about HTML. And you'll need to learn how to use some kind of editor to put your web pages together.

Then you need to learn how to use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) program to manage site pages. It's not difficult to do. Actually, you'll be doing fine within half an hour or so. But there are several dozen other "little" things you need to learn to do that only take half an hour or so. At some point, you may well throw your arms again at the sky and shout, "That's darned well enough!"

So You Go. You upload your pages, relax a bit, then kick back and admire your handiwork. "Yeah, I've got 'groww.' I'll catch it later."

"Wonder how you spell, 'spacius?' Guess I forgot to spell check the thing." Hey, but there's only a couple of little things like that. Right? So what if that background doesn't quite make it. It looks pretty good to me. Right?"

"How about the copy?" that quiet small voice within you cries out.

"What copy?" you scream out loud.

"You couldn't give away hundred dollars bills with that stuff." "You sure?" "Of course you are." Okay, Enough Of That I hope you get the idea. At this point you are tired. Even exhausted maybe. And you've a right to be. You've poured tons of time into this project. And more than a few dollars. Won't your visitors see this? Won't they understand? Nope. It won't happen. You can't even *give* hundred dollar bills away unless your copy sizzles. And you know it's so. So Take A Deep Breath And ... Come morning, start in.

You know that great copy is a must. Now you're going to make it happen. But how far are you going to get? How long will it be before you look at your work and throw your arms once again toward the sky? And what will you say this time? Back To Reality If you have decent writing skills, developing those needed for copywriting makes a lot of sense. For as you work with copywriting, you also strengthen your general writing skills.

Even if you plan to hire pros to write your sales copy, you still need to be able to step in and add something to a page now and then. Or add a new one. And every word must sell.

Mastery of copywriting is not the goal; this can take a lifetime. You simply want to be able to write reasonably good copy. Until you can, you need to hire everything out, and this costs serious money. If you wait until you launch your site before getting to this topic, your pages will be dead on arrival. So yes, beginning with a consideration of copywriting is a dandy notion. You will then have at least a chance of having decent copy, come launch day.

Abstracted from "Secrets Of A Really Successful Website" Comment: If you'd like to work through a great tutorial on copywriting, check out the one Joe Robson offers at . It's slick. And it's loaded with terrific ideas. Further, you'll find it easy to follow along.

Bob McElwain, author of "Your Path To Success" and "Secrets To A Really Successful Website." For info, see http://sitetipsandtricks.com/webways/ Get ANSWERS. Subscribe to "STAT News" now! mailto:join-stat@lyris.dundee.net

Secretarial Services - How to use other people's money

How to Use Other People's Money for Your Business
By Matthew Lesko

"Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant."
- P.T. Barnum John Ray, the famous 17th century author, was known to have written the aphorism, "Money begets money." In the business world, I'm sure you've also heard the saying, "You've got to have money to make money."

There are countless sources of cash, but by far, the best one to utilize for your business is ... other people's money. Perhaps one of the greatest "secrets" of the richest people in the world is summed up in those 3 words: Other People's Money - OPM for short.

If you took a cross-section of the most affluent business people, you'll find that the majority of them launched their fortunes using OPM. In the next few minutes, I will show you how you can obtain other people's money for your business.

What you do with the money, however, is up to you - but if I were you, I'd take P.T. Barnum's advice, and make money your servant so that you, too, you can make your own fortune. The use of other people's money has become such an ethical and acceptable mainstay in business because one can leverage other people's money to your benefit.

For example, you can leverage borrowed money into high-yield investment programs that could generate a return that would then pay back your lender and line your pockets as well. Or you can leverage borrowed money into asset-producing or income-generating real property. Or you can simply borrow money to start or grow your business.

The benefits to using OPM are obvious:

1) When you use other people's money, especially within the parameters of a corporation, your debt is assigned to your business, and your debtors can make no claims against your personal finances; and

2) the infusion of cash allows you to have money to make money for your business. Of course, even with the proliferation of lending institutions and venture capitalists, it is often difficult to obtain other people's money. Well, since Wall Street Journal has kindly called me a man who "finds answers in unlikely places," I'm going to reveal an unlikely place where you can obtain other people's money.

This one is available to all, and yet very few ever take advantage of it. It's the federal government. I've coined a phrase for this source of money: I call it "other taxpayers' money" - OTM for short. The federal government has millions of dollars of taxpayers' money allocated to funding businesses like yours. Here are a few great sources of OTM:

1) If you want to get training and/or money to start your own business, millions of dollars are available at www.sba.com. They'll also show you how to find alternative sources of financing, how to protect your invention, how to sell your idea, how to license your product, how to write legal contracts, how to sell overseas, and how to buy business equipment.

2) If you want money to export and sell products to foreign countries, you can obtain it from the Export-Import Bank of the United States at www.exim.gov. Or you can go to The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) at www.opic.gov.

3) If you want to obtain government contracts, then access the Procurement Assistance Offices online. Here, you'll learn how to draw up a business plan that'll get your business noticed. They can match the product or service you're selling with the appropriate agency, and then help you market to them more effectively. You can find these programs at www.dla.mil.

4) If you need venture capital for a new or existing business, then you need to go online and access the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC). These are privately-organized and privately-managed investment firms that are licensed by the Small Business Administration (SBA).

With their own capital and with funds borrowed at favorable rates through the federal government, SBICs provide venture capital to small independent businesses, both new and established. You can access them at www.sba.gov/INV.

5) If you need free help or want to learn how to do your own personal or business taxes? All you have to do is access www.irs.ustreas.gov/prod/bus_info-bus_help.html.

You can also obtain a free 26-page book on the Internet called The Credit Process: A Guide for Small Business Owners. It's written for small business owners seeking financing for the first time. It covers sources and types of financing; funding resources; preparation of a business plan; preparation of loan applications; and action to take if a loan is denied. It also contains an especially useful and comprehensive glossary of finance terms, agencies, and fair lending regulations.

Matthew Lesko is a New York times syndicated columnist, and author of 2 New York Times best-sellers. He is regularly featured as the nation's top expert on government freebies on TV programs such as Larry King, Oprah, David Letterman, Jay Leno, the Today Show and Good Morning America. His latest book, "Free Money for Entrepreneurs on the Internet" identifies hundreds of little-known sources of free government money for "net-repreneurs" and reveals the secret formula for easily obtaining the money for your business. See Matthew Lesko's List of Free Government Grants!

Start a secretarial business