Free Software Eliminates Typing the Same Things
Ever find yourself typing the same things over and over on your computer?
Maybe you type the same blocks of text into your email messages thirty times a day.
Or maybe you find it hard to remember a long website address and never seem to get all the characters correct when you type it into your web browser's address bar.
Not too long ago, I came to the startling realization that I spent over 45 minutes every single day just on completing repetitive email tasks. Bottom line: that amounts to over 273 hours a year doing the same things over and over again - talk about a waste of time!
Much to my delight, I recently discovered a free software program anyone can use that instantly gave me back almost all of that wasted time! With email, I found myself answering the same questions repeatedly. I spent way too much time retyping or hunting down the answer so I could copy and paste it into my reply. On the surface, a task that takes only 30 seconds to complete might not seem like a time waster, but if you perform that task 100 times throughout the day you will chew up almost an hour on repetitive activity. What if you could reduce that time by 90% or more?
What if you could claim that time back and use it for other, more important things? Well now you can because a free software program called "ShortKeys" helps you reclaim the time you waste on most repetitive typing tasks. Log on to and download the free version of the program, which offers all the features most of us will ever likely need or use.
"ShortKeys" is a macro utility, which means it performs repetitive tasks for you. In this case, it allows you to set up replacement text or paragraphs for any given number of keystroke combinations you can define.
For example, I set mine up so whenever I type #7 faq into an email message, the program automatically inserts six paragraphs with the most frequently asked questions I get from people surfing my site.
The program quietly monitors your typing activity and, anytime you type in a pre-defined keystroke combination, the program will automatically insert the replacement text.
You can use the program with email, word processing, web browser, and even with your web page editor. You simply choose a word and associate it with the replacement text.
ShortKeys will then insert virtually anything you could type, including: simple sentences; extremely long web addresses; single paragraphs; even several paragraphs up to 3000 characters long.
Not only do you save time by not manually typing in the sentence or paragraphs, but you will greatly reduce the inevitable errors and typo's all of us make. I don't normally get this excited about a free piece of software, but if you ever find yourself typing the same text over and over, get a copy of this program and start using it!
Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links... Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to your website for weeks, even months... without spending a dime on advertising! ==>
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