
A New Way To Obtain Business Capital

A New Way To Obtain Business Capital
A New Way To Obtain Business Capital
by Peter C. Forkuo

In today's article, I am going to focus on one of the entrepreneurial hats you seldom wear. And, that is financing.

Traditionally, trying to acquire the necessary financing for your business was a royal pain in the rear. Not so any more. I'm happy to report that the tables have been turned in your favor.

From this day forward, you should not look at every lender as being the same. No, all lenders are not alike. Certainly, a bank should not be your first choice when you set out to seek capital.

Unfortunately, many aspiring entrepreneurs and netpreneurs do approach bankers because they have not been better informed of the many options of financing readily available to them.

Why Is Your Local Bank The LAST Place To Turn To? I

t's really very simple. Local banks are forced to protect the interest of their depositors. The money they loan you for your business must not be at risk. The banks must answer to their depositors. Yet, as you and I know, the creation and operation of any business enterprise involves certain elements of risk. It's the nature of all business ventures. You are therefore, better off ignoring your bank for your web site financing needs, at least for now.

The most obvious choice for your online financing needs includes lenders who understand and appreciate your needs.

They should recognize the uniqueness of online businesses and netpreneurs.

They should be lenders who sincerely want to invest in online businesses.

The question is do these lenders exist?

Yes, they do. Your Long Awaited Solution Is Here!

See, after a long and tedious research, I've found the five best lenders in the world who make unsecured loans up to $1,000,000 to finance the design and development of web sites. Your signature is the only collateral needed. Yes, it's true.

There are lending sources that really make loans from $5,000 to $1,000,000 without collateral or co-signers. What makes this truly unique is, you never have to meet anyone in person to get your loan approved. You can apply from the convenience and privacy of your home. This allows you to borrow the money quickly, confidentially and easily.

In addition to financing the design and development of Web sites, they have the ability to create other finance solutions for various online applications. And, they are capable of financing transactions of all sizes, working with clients from small- and medium-sized businesses to publicly traded companies. In fact one of these specialized lenders is a company noted by its name within the Internet circles as WebsiteFinancing.com This lender is one of the pioneers and leading providers of various financing packages for web sites.

Because all transaction are handled through the mail and the Internet, eligible applicants can obtain their funding in a timely manner. Undoubtedly, this special financier can be your direct source of cash, credit and financing for all your web funding needs. But, with the word spreading so fast, they could be swamped very quickly. Besides, financing, just like women's fashion changes rapidly and WebSiteFinancing.Com's programs and related services are no exception.

In fact they change so frequently that it's very difficult for anyone to keep up with them. So you may contact them directly for their current information at WebsiteFinancing.Com, 13598 WeyCroft Circle, Alpharetta, GA 30004. Or email them at info@Websitefinancing.com

Additionally, you can find lenders who provide similar services in your own area or a nearby large city.

The type of lenders you need to contact identify themselves as Finance Companies. These lenders by their very existence are willing to take higher risks on you than any traditional lender out there, but at a price. It's a tradeoff. They move nimbly through an intricate maze of maneuvers to solve the financial needs of special situations where no lending patterns have been established. They then take projects that, bogged down in complications and little understood by conventional lenders such as banks, are rejected as unfeasible and make them a reality. Some of them may offer a variety of commercial financing programs to meet your web site and working capital needs.

Check out with your local Business Librarian. They should be able to help. It's really that easy.

(c) 2001 by Peter C. Forkuo. Peter C. Forkuo is an international capital consultant. He specializes in "high-risk" loans for people and businesses who are unable to get loans from traditional lending institutions. For a FREE excerpt from his new eBook "A Major Breakthrough In WebSite Financing" go here NOW, http:/worldwideloans.com http://EasyLoansForBadCredit.com

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